The beauty of a woman’s breast is not dependent on shape and size
Every woman on this earth should ask herself the question:
If I am the only woman on this earth, would I ever think of doing cosmetic surgery on my breasts?
Sitting silently and really asking her inner self, if there is no other woman or man on earth, would she really go for cosmetic surgery on her breasts?
If there is no comparison, no one to tell her, condition her, or push ideas in her mind about how her breasts should be, would she ever think of doing cosmetic surgery? On the contrary she will simply accept her breasts as they are.
Beauty has nothing to do with size and shape of the breasts
Women, do not fool yourself. Do not come under the influence of conditioning’s, dogmas, desires of men, and your unnatural understanding of the beauty of the breasts.
If you crave for beauty, then crave for real beauty.
Physical beauty will be gone one day or another, but inner beauty will stay with you forever and contribute to bringing more beauty and motherliness into this world. Thrive for something higher.
The lies around silicone breasts
Are women aware that they are never told the facts about cosmetic surgery on the breasts, the risks, the implications, the long-term side effects on the breasts? Silicone is carcinogenic.
On the contrary, women are told they will develop self-confidence and self-love. Very stupidly, we buy these ideas. Not only do we spend money on it, but we also cut our bodies.
Physical, mental, emotional scars after surgery
I have had many women-clients who came with breasts bulging unnaturally out of their clothes, and hidden inside is a big scar mark. After breast surgery there are scars not only on a physical level but also on a mental and emotional level.
Most of the women shared they did it to please a man. To gain confidence and self-love. Can someone cut oneself and take it as self-love? Your inner wisdom will only take it as self-hatred.
Showing artificial, silicone breasts is polluting the minds of innocent teenagers
The women who have been continuously desiring the so-called beauty of the breasts, who have rejected their breasts in their natural form, who have continuously condemned their breasts, and all the time wanting to improve the size and shape of their breasts are the women who are undergoing cosmetic surgery.
These women then come on social media unnecessarily showing off these artificial breasts and polluting the minds of innocent growing girls, who have no idea that these breasts are artificial.
These young girls then form a definition of so called beautiful breasts in their minds, have these unnatural criteria, and then carry various inferiority complexes regarding the size and shape of their own breasts. And few of them finally opt for cosmetic surgery on the breasts. What an unfortunate development!
Breast surgery should be for healing purposes
A surgery on the body should be done only as a treatment, as a necessity, as a healing process. Breast surgery for cosmetic reasons is one of the most sad things happening in this era. Instead of women out-rightly rejecting this kind of stupidity, they go for it. Why would you put silicone in your breasts?
To get confidence, self-love, because of a certain size and shape from surgery?
Whom are we fooling?
Silicone breasts don’t make you confident
I have met hundreds of women with silicone in their breasts and in every one of them, I found deep trauma on all levels. The breasts have become insensitive by the treatment. Breasts are the most sensitive organ, we made them insensitive and still think that it will bring self-confidence and love?
Breasts are our positive energy poles. If you want to beautify them, then take courage, be courageous to truly work on your breasts.
Do an inner surgery, Meditate, do Breast Care Massage and specific yogasanas
Do inner surgery, do specific yoga asanas, meditations, breast massage, so our breasts become healthy. Healthy breasts on all the levels are truly beautiful breasts.
Once the light is on in the lamp, no matter how the lamp is made, we do not see it; we only see the light. Similarly, once the breasts become beautiful from inside, it does not matter how the physical form is.
In essence, breasts are always beautiful
Remember, in essence, the breasts are always beautiful. They are the life source for babies. They are basically organs that are our positive energy poles, organs of our joy, deep relaxation, compassion, creativity, bliss, motherliness, and no-mind state.
Once we reconnect with the energy form of our breasts, we truly start feeling that breasts are beautiful, and this beauty will always stay with us.
Do not get identified with the Form, get in tune with the Essence.
My request to all women is to stop doing unnecessary cosmetic surgery. Rather, work on yourself to make your breasts absolutely healthy and to feel the true beauty of the breasts.